Framework for digital examinations for the field of study education science

Examinations represent the central performance assessments during a course of study. They are intended to provide information on whether the competencies and study objectives according to the curriculum have been achieved. Different types of courses require different types of performance. Which services and how they are to be provided is communicated in the VVZ.


The switch during SS 2020 from exclusively face-to-face examinations to digital examinations does not change the required independent performance. However, the framework conditions for holding examinations have changed considerably. These changes are based on the regulation "Regelungen zu Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen" (Regulations for courses and examinations), dated 13.05.2020.


Digital exams are handled exclusively via the Moodle learning platform.

Please note the following general instructions for the exam:

  • Take a sample test if one is offered.
  • Pay attention to the specific information and specifications of the course administration.
  • Pay attention to and follow the instructions on the permitted aids.
  • Pay attention to your time management during the exam.
  • (when submitting by uploading a document) Allow time to submit the exam.

The following study law and formal regulations / requirements must be observed in the study of education science:



Regulations / specifications


Exam time


The working hours are specified for each exam in the course catalog

·         (when submitting by uploading a document) The time for downloading the exam details and uploading the answers is included in the exam time. Please remember to allow time for uploading.

In case of problems with downloading or uploading, please contact the exam supervisor mentioned on u:find or on Moodle immediately.

Open book exams - Permitted aids

"Open book" means that you can refer to numerous materials to answer the question. However, it does NOT mean that you may copy sentences/text passages 1: 1. Sentences from slides or other texts may not be copied without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. When answering the questions, you should always formulate your own thoughts and arguments independently.

  • Detailed information on the aids allowed for an Open Book exam (e.g. lecture notes, Wikipedia, learning materials/questionnaires created together with other students ...) can be found on u:find or on Moodle.
  • Detailed information on the use of citations in an Open Book exam can be found on u:find or on Moodle.
  • Proper citation is a basic requirement for earning a passing grade (aside from earning the required number of points).
  • Incorrect citations will be factored into the grade. Missing citation is considered as cheating and leads to the annulment of the examination result and to the entry of an "X" (cheating mark); the examination entry is valid nevertheless.
  • Work and study materials, questionnaires, etc. prepared jointly with other students and used in the examination must be submitted within 2 days upon request. If these cannot be presented, unauthorized collaboration will be assumed in the case of identical texts by several students and an "X" will be entered (cheat mark).


"normal digital exams" (not Open Book) - dealing with word-for-word memorized texts.

Make sure to formulate your answers independently:

  • Merely reproducing memorized passages from learning materials will earn 0 points.
  • No passing grade can be earned by merely reproducing memorized passages from learning documents.
  • In the case of pure reproduction of memorized passages from learning documents, a plausibility check can take place in order to determine whether the content was actually learned by heart or whether plagiarism can be assumed.
  • Attention: There is no right to a plausibility check. Moreover, a plausibility check is not an additional examination ("re-examination"), but merely serves as an aid to determine whether an examination performance has been cheated.

Checking for text similarities

All texts are checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.

Non-permitted aids in all types of examinations

The following occurrences will be considered as cheating and will lead to the annulment of the exam result and the entry of an "X" (cheat mark); the exam entry will still be valid:

  • Any communication with other students during the exam (in person, by phone, WhatsApp, social media, etc.).
  • Ghostwriting (exam or individual sub-services are written by other persons).
  • Collusion (collaboration of several people) recognizable from the text: identical typos, same transcription errors, same incorrect application of formulas, etc.
  • Use of learning materials prepared jointly with other students (if the course director allows the use of joint learning materials, it must be explicitly stated).
  • Identical reproduction of lecture notes (if the course director allows the use of shared learning materials, it must be explicitly stated).
  • Use of Wikipedia (must be explicitly stated).